Thursday, November 6, 2014

Kitchen Remodel Day 10 (Elapsed Day 16)

 Well, 7 o'clock came and went.

And 8 o'clock.

9 o'clock.

10 o'clock.

10:30 the granite guys came!

Bird is the official inspector.  She has to check out everything.

You can barely see them, but they laid out these thin balsa wood strips, maybe 3" x 8'.  They started at the center of the sink, and glued them with a glue gun across the front, hanging over like the granite will, across the back, along the edge by the door (there is an angle there, it comes out 16" and then angles in for 10").  Then they glued on cross pieces about every 3 feet.

Repeat for the stove side.  Repeat for the pass through.  And, gee, do you want the windowsill done?  Sure.

When they got it all done, they just popped it off the "ply"wood, and carried the pieces out to their truck.  Along with our new sink.  And they dropped off a piece of granite for Saul, and a small sink for him also.

11:10 bye bye!  See you in about a week.

11:45 Saul arrived.  Much earlier than yesterday, I must admit. 

I thought this was a good picture of Saul mudding the wall where the big hole was.

Saul:  OK, I need to talk to you guys.

You know I'm not one to add on things to my budget, but a few things have happened.

We added lights and a switch to the crawlspace (so he could see what he was doing).  $100
Jerry added the 220v receptacle for the heater we don't have yet.  $120 (not done yet)
Wallboard and a whole day fixing the wall that wasn't planned.  $100
Granite window sill:  TBD
Plumbing leak fix:  TBD
Final electrical parts costs:  TBD

OK!  But how about the threshold into the bathroom?  And a new gas service line for the stove?

I still feel like we're getting our money's worth.  Tomorrow (or maybe the next day) he's going to see if he can raise the fan (see that little stub between the ceiling and the fan?)  If he can move that up, then the wall cabinets can be taller.

Since I want my cabinet doors inset, they won't have the soft close hinges.  That's OK.

Meanwhile the floor guy has called twice, and I tried to call him this afternoon to see if he could do the floor tomorrow.  He's gone for the day.  Guess not.

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